Here's the low down on exactly what I'll be doing for the next month. In short, I'll be eating clean -- no dairy, no gluten, no soy, no sugar, no alcohol (errr), no coffee (double errrr). I'll be enjoying healthy fats and proteins. I'm doing this all with the help of the Arbonne Fit Kit. More on Arbonne later, but the kit includes everything you need to replace two meals a day, for a month. That's two (a day) protein shakes, fizz sticks (drink mix), Herbal detox tea, daily fiber boost, and chocolate chews (snacks). In the evenings, or sometimes at lunch I'll have a clean meal, avoiding all those items I first listed. What can I eat? Organic chicken and meats, non- starchy veggies, berries and green apples, to mention a few.
Why on earth would I do this? Primarily and most importantly, I am a sugar addict. Truly. I can't go a day without a dessert, usually two or three. I could eat sweets breakfast, lunch and dinner. And while I am usually fairly good about my portions and sometimes saying "no". I love me some sugar. I've always wanted to break from it. It, no doubt, strips me of energy and makes me feel sluggish.
Why Arbonne? I learned about the Arbonne nutrition line when I got involved with Arbonne just a short time ago. Now yes, in full disclosure, I am an Arbonne consultant - I sell the stuff! But I sell it because I believe in it. The ingredients are pure, research based, non-animal based and gluten free. I love EVERYTHING Arbonne that I have tried - so why would I not love this too? So far, so good.
What is Arbonne? Arbonne is a highly regarded, premium brand with a Swiss heritage. The products are healthy, botanically based and inspired by nature. From skin care to nutrition, they have a full line of products for babies to baby boomers and beyond!
You can check it by visiting my site:
Enough with the sales pitch! Just wanted to fill you in on the nitty gritty of the program I'm following.
I do feel super focused. Tired of my clothes being a little snug after the holidays. Looking forward to feeling better. Hope my enthusiasm lasts!
What did you have for dinner last night? Is the rest of your family going to eat what you're eating for dinner?
See today's post! I have been slacking on dinner (salads), but I think I'm going to try something egg-based tonight. I have to start looking at the recipes on the FB page. Yes, the family is going to eat what I eat ... or whatever else they want! James is fine with it. The other two, well, I'm never real sure what they are going to want from one minute to the next anyway!
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