Monday, June 21, 2010


Lots of rain has sure helped the flowers.  Now we need some sun!

I don't think I am going to ramble on for this post (yeah, we'll just see about that).  Not a lot to report this week, outside of that I am still pregnant with no major signs of labor.  I'm feeling pretty good and the contractions come and go with no real pain or too much of a pattern.  I am trying to keep my brain occupied so that I am not thinking about every little ache or pain.  I am feeling a bit huge and would like to get this show on the road -- but a watched pot never boils, right? So I'm really trying to keep my mind off of things. It does not really help that when I go ANYWHERE, people ask me when I am due and how I am feeling. I want to wear a sign stating "I feel fine, folks. Thanks for asking!" I will call that pregnancy rage -- or pregnancy honesty, really.

I didn't think I had a picture of me this week. But alas, there I am, walking on the path at a photo-shoot at Como Park.

I am no longer working, which I may have mentioned before.  This is both good and bad.  I don't think I could physically do massage anymore.  And getting myself up, dressed and ready to interact with people is also questionable.  But I've had way too much time on my hands.  You'd think I could busy myself doing all the things that get pushed aside when life is too busy.  But so far I have had too much idle time and very little motivation to do anything useful.  I've cleaned the house, done the laundry, picked weeds (the ones I can get to) and done a boatload of reading (which I can't complain about). On top of that, I've spent a considerable amount of time at the mall. Now, I am generally not a mall person, but maybe I go there in hopes that it will send me in to labor.  It seems as soon as I walk in the door I start having contractions.  I think it's called mall stress.  I have been going out to the Mall of America (MOA) lately - which I guess needs no extra explanation about mall stress.  For a non-mall person, the MOA is quite an undertaking.  But it happens to be the closest mall to our house.  It is also the only place where you can hit Nordstrom and all the critical venues all in one stop.  Believe it or not, it is actually the perfect place for me not to spend too much money.  Sure, I could spend a lot of money there -- but what happens is that I start looking at things and I put them on "my list". I continue this way until I have about 10 things from 10 different stores on the list -- by the time I get to the end, I am usually too exhausted to make it back to any of the stores where any of my list items live, so I end up walking out the door empty handed (empty headed, I may add).

Oh right, I said I was not going to ramble on this week.

We had a really lovely weekend here. On Saturday, we spent the morning picking through old mail and organizing about the house.  In the afternoon we ran around ticking several items off our to-do list.  In the evening, we went to dinner at a place near our house. Mom had given me a gift certificate for my birthday.  It was a really lovely dinner, followed by a DQ cone and a nice drive around St. Paul.

Sunday (Father's Day) was another nice day for us.  We had a nice morning of coffee and leisure -- and then ticked even more items off the list.  I made a little Father's Day dinner for Jamie on his first father's day.  I guess it wasn't spicy enough to truly make it his first father's day.

Father's Day dinner at home

This week is more of the same -- Midwife appointment, Yoga, hurry up and wait, reading, etc.  I could use more book suggestions, if you have them. I'm burning through one about every other day or so.  Could be even faster if I stay away from the mall!

Have a great week!

1 comment:

Ken said...

Read The Help by Kathryn Stockett