Monday, June 7, 2010


James at 37 weeks

Me at 37 weeks

It's been quite a week here. I may even have to break it down day by day, it seems we had a lot going on.

Monday was Memorial Day and we had about 20 or so people over for the annual brunch. It warmed up early and was very sunny, so it was nice in the shade and pretty steamy in the sun. I know this because I was moving around so much and was not fortunate enough to get spot in the shade. The crowd did not thin out quite as early as we thought, I think the last to leave was close to 3 pm! The rest of the day was kind of a wash between napping and preparing for the week ahead.

Tuesday, June 1 -- My birthday! I didn't really have too much planned, but mom asked if I wanted to do breakfast or lunch. I love breakfast -- so that is what I chose. We went early, to Day by Day Cafe in St. Paul. I had banana pancakes, of course. Mom had a breakfast burrito. The food was delightful, not to mention plentiful, and the atmosphere at Day by Day is hard to beat. It was another sunny morning and we sat in back overlooking the back yard/patio. Really lovely. I had a load of coupons and gift cards burning a whole in my pocket, so it was my plan for the day to run around and spend them. We decided to start at Highland Nursery. I had not planned on flower shopping, but Highland is a great nursery with tons of unique plants and flowers - and close to Day by Day. It's fun to just walk through and get ideas. I bought a few impatients and we were on our way. Next stop, (after dropping the plants by the house) was Hot Mama. I've had my eye on this pajama/robe set for a few months now. I used my coupon that I earned by modeling at the fashion show -- score!
Sadly, this is just about the extent of the gardening this summer

Later that afternoon, I met Jamie and his crew from Hamline out for a little baby shower. They gave us really awesome gifts, including a Red Radio Flyer Wagon! After the shower we took a nice drive along Summit and eventually made our way to Punch Pizza and then on to the DQ for a cone. Banana pancakes, Punch Pizza and a DQ cone -- birthday success.

Wednesday was yoga and doctor day, again. Yoga was delicious, as always, and the doctor (midwife) was good. Much to my surprise, I had not gained much weight since last week -- where was the 5lbs of birthday food? I had my finger pricked to check my iron and I had to "go" in a cup for some reason I can no longer recall. We talked about our "birth plan" and learned about what we should expect for early signs of labor and when/who we should call in case water breaks or the contractions get stronger. We also learned that I have started to dilate (yay!). As of today, we are considered full-term and would not be high-risk if we went in to labor. Crazy, right? Seems like just last week I was "going" on a little stick that told us we were pregnant. Time sure does fly.

I worked a very full day on Thursday to catch up from the holiday. I was beyond beat by the end of the day, it took much of Friday to catch up.

On Friday, my cohorts from massage school had a little graduation celebration. Yes, it's been quite some time since graduation, but you know how those things go. People are busy and schedules don't line up. We finally made a date and stuck to it. We had a lovely lunch at W.A. Frost. It was so fun to catch up with my 'Sister' sisters. It was like no time had passed. I guess that's what happens when you spend such an intense year of your life with a few wonderful women.

We had a very lazy Saturday morning. The weather was gloomy with rain, off and on. We hung out at the house and tinkered with computers and the remote control. I am starting to get nostalgic (ahem, hormones) about these lazy Saturday mornings. I feel like there is a bit of a deadline looming to this time we have -- just the two of us. As much as we look forward to baby, we still really enjoy just us.

Today is Sunday. We did absolutely nothing to write about. We are watching playoff hockey and Jamie has started another week of work. I am playing this work week by ear. I have been having contractions throughout the day today as I move around the house. It is not labor, just contractions -- and they go away when I sit and relax. But not sure how much time on my feet that I'll be able to handle. We shall see what the midwife has to say when we go in Tuesday.

We're getting there! I can't wait to come back to this site and post pictures and stories of our baby girl. I'm sure you'll all be pleased as punch when you'll have cute baby pictures to look at and not pictures of us! ha.
Have a great week!


Annette said...

ahhhh... i can't wait.... just for the record, the saturday (and sunday) mornings can still be just as lazy... there's just a little cuddle bug to hang out with :). i'll pray that you get a great sleeper like KG.

AndreaW said...

Love the Blog, Patty. Can't wait to see the pictures of your new baby girl. Thanks for keeping us updated!