The ice is out of some lakes in the city -- and getting close in others. Today we took a stroll around Lake Harriet. It was sunny and lovely. Lots of walkers, runners, dogs, strollers and kids. Minnesotans are just itching to stretch their pasty white legs with a run around the lakes. We were a little more discreet, and kept our winter whites to ourselves.
I am happy to have last week behind me. It was staff appreciation at Lyngblomsten, all staff were offered a free 15 minute massage. I gave more than 60 massages in less than 7 days! My hands were raw by the end of the week from washing and sanitizing.
We had another doctor appointment this past week. I gained a modest 3 lbs in the last 5 weeks. I am happy to have the glucose test done, I passed with flying colors. My iron is a little low, but everything is still checking out fine. She continues to kick and flip like crazy.
I have been going a little nuts shopping for little pink outfits. I think she'll be well dressed throughout her first months of life. Grammy also has put a considerable dent in her closet, including a ridiculously adorable swimsuit. I'm not sure how much swimming she'll be doing, but we thought we would have to put her in it, just to take pictures.
Aunt Carrie takes a break from quilting to pose for a photo at Lake Harriet
Aunt Carrie has been busy shopping for fabric, cutting and quilting. Can't wait to see the finished product(s). Hey, Car - we're counting on quilt, bumper, curtains, crib skirt, etc! Chop,chop! HA... kidding. No seriously, I am beyond excited about the quilt - I think it will be so sweet for our little girl to be swaddled in something made with love by her Auntie.
In other non-important, baby related news -- Saturday we went to Baby Grand, they carry the stroller we want and a lot of other stuff we had registered for at 'Babies', for the same price. They were very friendly and helpful -- even though we overstayed our welcome, well past closing time. We've already set up our wish list there. We decided to "de-registered" for babies r us. We were not in love with anything we had on our registry there.
That's the update for week 27.
Happy spring to all! Have a great week and a Happy Easter!!!